Middle Grade and Teen Programming

Mandy Cook
kids with chalk
Kids masked with bandanna

We’re excited to provide a place for fun, excitement, and learning after school and in the summer for your kids! Take a look at all we offer at the Marysville Public Library.

September-April During School
Mondays at 4 pm: Be*Tween (Third through Sixth Grade)

Tuesdays at 4 pm: Kreative Kids
Wednesdays at 4 pm: Movie Matinees
Thursdays at 4 pm: Teen Café (Seventh Grade and Up)

Summer Reading Program
Join us for the summer reading program in June and July. Programs are available for third through twelfth grade. 

Kiddos must be 8 years or older to stay alone at the library. These programs run on the USD 364 schedule.
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